
 私は、特定非営利活動法人KIDSの活動に参加するにあたり、当団体の活動趣旨を理解し、当団体の 「定款 」および「KIDS責任規定」を理解し、「活動上の諸注意」、「個人情報管理方針」に合意しかつ遵守することをここに同意します。



In participating in the activities of Specified Not-For-Profit Activity Corporation(NPO) KIDS, having understood the purport of the activities of this organization, understood the “Articles of Incorporation” and “KIDS Liability Regulation” of this organization and agreed to its “Notes in Activities” and “Personal Information Management Policy”, I hereby pledge that I will comply with them.

If I breach the pledge written above, I agree that I will submit a “Pledge of Withdrawal and Discontinuance of Activities”, promptly stop doing my activities at KIDS and no further perform any such activities.

Further, if any damages, medical treatment expenses, or consolation money exceeding the limit of liability for compensation that KIDS has as set out in the “KIDS Liability Regulation” arises, I will accept the claim therefor, regardless of whether I stopped doing my activities or not.

■KIDS Liability Regulation







Scope of activities under our liability

1.     KIDS defines the work plan which is passed at the ordinary general meeting to be held in each year and the modified work plans which may be passed at extraordinary general meetings as the scope of activities of KIDS.
2.     When each task of the work (projects of any kind, regular visits and the like) within the scope of activities of KIDS commences or when deemed necessary by the board of directors, KIDS will present its activity plan to the facilities, organizations, companies and volunteers connected with the activities, whereby the scope of activities of KIDS will be deemed to be made known, and if any modification is made to the activity plan, KIDS will promptly report it to the connected persons in writing.

Who is liable and limitation of compensation

3.     If the usual activities are performed within the “scope of activities under our liability” and if any of the children, volunteers and other connected members of staff is involved in an unexpected accident, the liability therefor will be attributed to KIDS, provided that this will not apply to natural disaster and accidents caused by willful misconduct of a third party.

4.     For the accident arising within the “scope of activities under our liability” written above, KIDS will pay the insurance money which will not exceed the limit of coverage under the terms of the injury and damage liability insurance that KIDS obtained.  Further, working towards quickly taking measures against the accident and enabling the victims to recover from their physical or mental injury, the representative director will specially organize the accident countermeasure committee and take any necessary action.

Acts subject to the exclusion from liability

5.     The full liability for the accidents caused by the conduct which is not defined in the scope of activities of KIDS (or all the activities not covered by the work of KIDS before, after and during the activity period of each task of the work) will remain with the party concerned, and KIDS will not in any way assume such liability.  Accordingly, KIDS will have no obligation to pay the damages for any accidents out of the “scope of activities under our liability.”

■活動上の諸注意 (2007年3月22日改定:抜粋)
Notes in Activities (revised on March 22, 2007: extracted)

○  「安全第一」

 誰もが一度は耳にしたことがあるスローガンだと思いますが、これはKIDS に限らず、ボランティア活動において非常に重要なポリシーとなっています。活動中の安全確保には参加者全員の理解と協力が必要です。皆さんも、常に「安全第一」を念頭において行動してください。


※1 未成年者を指します。
※2 KIDSの責任範囲については、「KIDS責任規定」に定められています。

○  子どもたちのプライバシーを守る




○  子どもたちと接する際に


○  皆で楽しく活動するために



○ “Safety first”

  This would be the slogan that you all have ever heard once at least, and this is established as the much important policy for volunteer activities including those of KIDS.  To ensure the safety during the activities, the understanding and cooperation of all the participants are necessary.  You should always keep “safety first” in your mind when you conduct yourself.

  Even though it is a volunteer activity in good faith, if you caused a child(*1) or another participant to get injured, KIDS as organizer would be as a matter of course(*2) and you, participating in the activity, would be possibly held liable for the injury.  In particular, if you cause an accident because of your carelessness or insufficient preparation in advance, the legal liability may be imposed on you.  You should always try to make sufficient preparations in order to prevent accidents.

 *1   The term “child” means a person who is under the legal adult age.
 *2   The scope of liability of KIDS is set out in the “KIDS Liability Regulation.”

○ Protect the privacy of children

 The children staying in the child protective care facilities (also termed child care institutions) and assist-in-living facilities for mothers and children (also termed homes for mothers and children) often conceal the fact that they stay in those facilities for various reasons.  You should be careful to ensure that the information on the children will not be made public.

 For example, you should not:

 ・go out with the child or take photos of the child without the prior permission of the responsible person of the facility or the guardian of the child;
 ・tell another or disclose to a third party any information by which the information subject can be identified (for example, the child’s name, birthplace or facility name); and
 ・perform the conduct so that the child may be inadvertently exposed to the attention of the public (or unreasonably take the child to a crowded place).

○ When you come into contact with the children

 Although it is needless to say that you must not perform any act which violates the laws (for example, overbook a minor’s drinking alcohol or smoking), you should be strictly careful that you do not:

 ・ lift your hand against the children for any reason (some children have the trauma caused by the experience of cruelty from their parents);
 ・leave alcohol or cigarettes before the children, thereby inducing them to drink or smoke them;
 ・come into contact with the children with the purpose of “obscenity” (if we discover a doubtful act, or if such an act is subsequently found, we will take strong measures against you);
 ・provide expensive meals or buy and give the goods to the children without obtaining the prior permission of the responsible person of the facility or the guardian of the child (you should consider that such act may put the sense of the children to the money out of order); or
 ・have contract with or meet the children with whom you became acquainted through the activities at KIDS out of the course of the activities at KIDS (if you are specially required to meet the child, you must give prior notice to the representative director of KIDS to seek his or her approval and obtain the consent from the parties concerned).

○ For the activities pleasant for you all

 The conduct written below is prohibited not only towards the children, but also between the volunteers.
 ・The act of speaking the words that be harmful, of intimidation, of harassment, slanderous, obscene, of reputation impairment, or racially or ethnically discomfort;
 ・The activity of selling individual goods and services and the act of making solicitation for pyramid selling, multilevel merchandising or other similar forms of sale;
 ・The act of making solicitation for joining the organizations with the profit-making purpose or the religious organizations.
 ・The act of disclosing to third parties the personal information such as telephone numbers, electronic mail addresses and postal addresses without obtaining the consent of the principal.
 ・In addition to those written above, the act of violating the laws and the act judged contrary to the common sense of a responsible member of society.

■特定非営利活動法人(NPO)KIDS 個人情報保護について
Personal Information Management Policy

NPO KIDSでは個人情報の重要性を認識し、本プロジェクトにおいて下記の内容にて慎重に取り扱ってまいります。


As NPO KIDS recognizes the importance of personal data, we handle your personal data given for the project as follows:

 ・The data we asked you to provide us is the minimum necessary ones, which is required for us to assure the participants’ security and comfort.
 ・The data provided to us is used for the KIDS Project primarily. Exceptionally, we may send you some information of KIDS activities and/or any other volunteer events which we think useful for you at your e-mail / postal address or phone etc., if you agree.
 ・KIDS manages your personal data in appropriate manner and do not disclose to any other third party or individuals than KIDS Project staff.

For detail please refer KIDS Personal Data Protection Policy (Japanese Only)
at : http://www.kids-npo.com/kids/about/privinfo.htm

■個人情報問合せ窓口 / contact KIDS about the private data by:

住所    〒141-0021
TEL/FAX  03-6277-0291(平日9~17時/ Weekday from 9 am to 5 pm)
E-MAIL   kids_hm@hotmail.com

Specified Not-For-Profit Activity Corporation (also termed NPO) KIDS (hereinafter “KIDS”) recognizes the importance of personal information and implement the steps written below.

1.  Having of the responsible person for management

 In dealing with the information which is personal to each of you, who are involved with KIDS (hereinafter the “personal information”), KIDS has a responsible person for its management within the board of directors of KIDS, and KIDS will appropriately manage it through such responsible person for management.

2. Identification of the purpose of use

 If KIDS requests to collect the personal information from you, who participate in the activities of KIDS (hereinafter the “participants,” including past participants), KIDS will identify the purpose of utilization as fully as possible and clearly indicate the contact point (*) for the participants and then collect your personal information to the necessary extent.

3.  Management of personal information

 KIDS will appropriately manage the personal information that KIDS collected from the participants, and KIDS will not disclose it to any third party other than the related persons of KIDS unless:
 ・the consent of the participant is obtained;
 ・KIDS entrusts the work of management and investigation to the person who entered into a confidentiality agreement; or
 ・the disclosure of the personal information is required by an order under the laws.

4. Provision of volunteer information

 KIDS may transmit or send by electronic mail, mail or other means, or communicate by telephone the information on volunteer activities, events or the like which would directly relate to the activities of KIDS or be indirectly useful for the participants (if consented to by the participant).  The participant may request KIDS to stop or resume such action by giving notice of the request to the contact point?.

5.  Inquiry about personal information

 If the participant wishes to make inquiries about, correct, delete or otherwise do something about the personal information of the participant himself or herself, contact the contact point?.  KIDS will respond to it only if KIDS confirms that the person who made contact is the participant himself or herself in order to prevent the divulgence of personal information.

6.  Compliance with laws and ordinances

 KIDS will comply with the laws, ordinances and codes applicable to the personal information that KIDS possesses, and KIDS will review and better the steps set out in the above paragraphs.

■Contact point:   “Specified Not-For-Profit Activity Corporation KIDS”

Address3-1-30-2004, Kamioosaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0021TEL/FAX03-6277-0291(9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.)